


It is a difficult week this week. We say goodbye to a grandparent on Friday and I'll be in Manchester for the weekend. Before all of that are appointments and meetings and all kinds of less than interesting activities.

So the week, and probably next week, will be light on kitchen experiments.

We'll see.


Overnight oats.


The Modular Salad.


I made the, what is slowly becoming standard, Monday Pho Ga.

Handmade pasta for 5 at the weekend has gifted (burdened?) us with a mountain of egg whites. Obviously a sour cocktail or two was made on the day but now I need to do SOMETHING with them.

Enter broth.

I've always wanted to try and clarify stock with egg whites but it's always felt kind of wasteful, but when you've got 10 sitting in the fridge and you cannot bear another meringue... today's the day.

It worked! I wont post a newrecipe, because two is frankly enough.



A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.