I usually don't work Mondays which means they have started become a day of culinary experimentation. And by culinary I mean food and by experimentation I mean the fucking around therewith.
As I've said before the day after a roast offers ample opportunity and excitement and optimism of tasty food items that can be made with it's leftovers. Lately though it's pho that has been stuck in my mind.
The day begins with the classics. Overnight oats with coffee and the medication I need to function like a somewhat human being.
Lunch is the start of today's ridiculousness. It's been a million years since I last made dumplings of the non-European variety, so today is as good-a-day as any.
Vegetable dumplings in chilli oil. I love these little savoury bombs in spicy tingly tasty juice. I've never made it before, I'm usually a gyoza boi, but I will make them again.
Making the vegetarian filling – for no other reason than chicken for dinner last night and chicken tonight – was a bit annoying. Trying to get a nice texture and range of flavour meant chucking a few random things in there. I also didn't really want to have to go to the shop to stock up. I did for at least one thing, but thats ok.
Pho is phast becoming a Monday phavourite. Partly because it's a great way to use up leftover chicken, as discussed, but also because of it's sheer cosy nourishment.
The last recipe I tried was sweet, which threw me off. So although almost identical I'll add a new recipe for posterity.
A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.