
Recipe for

Aubergine giouvetsi


  • 100g orzo per person
  • 1 large aubergine (or whatever, enough aubergine for you I guess)
  • 1 tin of tomatoes
  • 1 red onion, sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves per person, chopped or crushed or whatever
  • splash of white wine
  • 400ml veg stock
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 0.5-1tsp of allspice
  • Optional: bay leaf
  • Oil for cooking
  • Cheese for topping


  1. Dice up your aubergine (see tips below for beef)
  2. Heat some oil in a big'ol pan
  3. Fry up yer aubergine until browned a lil
  4. Add onions and cook until soft but not browned
  5. If the pan is dry, add a little more because...
  6. Add the dry orzo, one of the things that makes this tasty af is that the orzo gets a little but toasted in oil and onion and aubergine
  7. When the orzo is a slight shade darker add your garlic and cook for 30 seconds or so
  8. Add wine and sizzle down – until it stops smelling like your Aunt's hugs
  9. Tinned tomatoes in
  10. Spices in
  11. Let it come to a boil then reduce to simmer
  12. If it starts to dry out then throw in stock bit by bit – it might feel wasteful to make up some stock to end up not using it, but I think it saves a lot of ruined dishes this way round
  13. Its done when the orzo is cooked, probably around 20 minutes max
  14. Top with cheese


  • If you're making this with beef, you want to brown your beef in batches and set aside, in the empty pan (empty except for oil, and frond) you'll sautee your onions and garlic before adding everything but the orzo. Brown the orzo in oil or butter separately and add about 20 minutes before the beef is done. You want the beef to be tender
  • Bay can be overwhelming, so use is you like
  • Do not be afraid to be heavy handed with spices

A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.