
Recipe for

Crab and chilli linguine


  • Linguine (frech recipe below)
  • Dressed crab – a good mix of white and brown meat, 3:1 white:brown imo
  • 1 tbsp each of olive oil and butter
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Red chilli
  • 2 garlic cloves per person
  • S&P to taste

If you want to make your own pasta, here is a ratio that works for me 99% of the time, for two:

  • 4 egg yolks (save the whites for cocktails)
  • 100g of plain flour


If you're making pasta

  1. Combine yolks and flour
  2. Mix until some sort of scraggly scruffbag dough forms
  3. Knead dough on a floured surface until smooth and like you want to take a nap on it
  4. Wrap in clingfilm and leave for at least 30 mins (if you're going out for a few hours, then put it in the fridge)
  5. When ready, roll in your machine to about 6 or 7 thickness


  1. Bring a pasta pan of water to the boil, make it salty
  2. If you're using dry pasta, add now, the rest wont take long
  3. Glug olive oil in the pan you will cook the sauce in and crank heat to a scorching.....low
  4. Add butter
  5. When butter melts add in some sliced garlic, or crush it, whatever, I don't give a fuck
  6. Sizzle for 30 seconds to a min, don't let it brown
  7. Add diced chilli – you know the deal, seeds and membrane out if you're a softlad
  8. Add lemon zest
  9. Add crab
  10. At this point add fresh pasta to the water if using
  11. When the pasta is cooked and the crab is hot, tong the pasta into the sauce with a lil bit of the water.
  12. Squeeze in lemon juice
  13. Eat. Enjoy. Or else.


  • This idea of no cheese on seafood is for fascists. Chuck some parmy z on there if you fancy
  • Also add some finely chopped herbs. Parsley if you wear tweed and smell like patchouli, coriander if imagined lines between different countries mean nothing to you

A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.