2 tbsp lemon juice (squeezed from a lemon, don't be a bottled lemon juice pervert)
Mint to garnish
Salt and pepper
Make your dressing by combining the olive oil, lemon and salt and pepper, shake it up so it emulsifies – see notes
Peel your satsuma and separate into segments, pro tip: take a sharp knife and scrap at the pith, it's not necessary but looks nicer
A Japanese mandolin slicer will be your friend here: peel and thinly slice the melon. You will probably only need about a quarter
Do the same with the cucumber, as thinly as possible
Same with the radishes and chillies
Peel and thinly slice the avocado, you can't do this with a mandolin really.
To arrange:
Spoon 1 tbsp of dressing onto a plate
Carefully layer the melon, cucumber and avocado as per the picture, or however you like, I don't give a shit really
When everything is layered to your preference, spoon over more of the dressing
Garnish with radish slices, chilli and the small leaves of the mint
If you want, blitz up whatever avocado you have left with some of the dressing and dollop on too. Why not? Treat yourself!
On olive oil: it's always better to have a special bottle of olive oil lying around for dishes like this. You can use whatever crap you have lying around but just know that I am judging you.
On dressing shaking: those little tubs that bossman puts your mango chutney in? Save them. They're perfect for this. Put the ingredients in and shake it like you've got a spider on your arm.