
Recipe for

an unhinged salad


  • Root vegetables – parsnips, beetroot and carrots are a good combo
  • Pickled beetroot – if you're not using fresh, the pre roasted numbers work too but obvs you wont be roasting them
  • Pearl barley
  • Apple – preferably crunchy
  • Goats cheese
  • Yoghurt or creme fraiche

Things I added that fucked it up

  • Tomato – it didn't add anything other than a weird softness
  • Radish – it didn't really ruin it, but didn't need it
  • Cucumber – see radish


  1. Heat oven up to roasting temp, about 180-200c in a fan oven
  2. Clean and chop your parsnips, peel them if you're a pervert
  3. Optional: bring a pot of water to the boil and parboil them until sort of soft on the outside. Don't overdo it or you'll end up with bland 'nips
  4. Pop some oil on a roasting tray and coat your parsnips in it's deliciousness
  5. Salt
  6. Roast until roasted
  7. Meanwhile chop the things you're not roasting to your desired shape
  8. Chuck pearl barley into some boiling water, cook until edible
  9. Mix a reasonable and not at all immoral amount of goats cheese with the yogurt and beat it like it owes you money, if its too thick (this is a dressing) then pop a splash of water in it. Chuck in some salt and pepper
  10. When everything is done, combine.
  11. Drizzle with dressing or Hockney it, whatever you want really
  12. Eat


  • If you have a fear of browning apples, toss them in some lemon juice
  • You could always add some of the Lemmony J to the dressing too
  • Be careful of adding lemon if you're using pickled beetroot
  • Get fucking well fancy and toss the roasted roots in honey

A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.