


Christmas and New Years was much. Much people. Many foods. Some booze. We are sick, literally. It could have been the friends we hugged or the trains we travelled in but throats are sore and sinuses full to the brim with the bad stuff.


So we are fucking off. A few days in a cabin near some woods, little phone signal, lots of wine. If I ran some kind of content thing (website?) or knew how youtube worked then I would start a series all about chefs cooking in Airbnbs, using only the equipment the hosts supply and only produce they can get from the surrounding 20 minutes.

It would be hilarious. It would be abysmal.


Breakfast was quick and whatever could be snaffled without making any mess. Toast, tea and orange juice. Easily made. Easily cleaned. Not nearly enough.


If I was 3 wishes one of them would definitely be something to result in service stations having good food. I've seen them in Mexico, taco stands and grilled meat and soups and other delicious things thrown lovingly if not even remotely carefully onto a paper plate.

The kind of food that sensitive stomachs might look at as dangerous. "You are WHAT at a WHERE", but in reality the queues and regulars and obviously bottled water are the things that entice you in.

Here, though?

Maccies. Or an M&S sandwich or if you're lucky... Leon. And by lucky, I mean mundanely relieved.

So. Lunch was a "Korean chicken wrap", of which the only Korean thing in there was a vague red colour to a kind of sauce or dressing. Could be worse.


A Christmas gift from my mother was a hamper of cheese and some wine. So dinner was a hamper of cheese and some wine. A smattering of pickle, a rogue olive and a cocktail or three.

The fire was lit.


  • Chocolate biscuits
  • A banana
  • Wine



Is another day.


Is a figment of your imagination.

A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.