The week off calm before the storm has turned into a week of jobs. It's not all bad. I suppose a week sat in front of the playstation or being a "curled up with a book and a brew" person full time wasn't going to be sustainable.
Electricians are en route, plumbers being contacted and a food delivery imminent.
I haven't spared a single thought of what to eat today.
Protein shake.
Lunch was an amalgamation of two soups taken from the freezer. It felt a bit grotesque combining them, but really their base was the same. Almost exactly. Just a few vegetables different. One day I'll document the best soup in the world. One that I make multiple times a year and have done since I learned to chop an onion. Before that my mum would make it every year, too. In fact, I have the pan that HER mum gave HER, I think, to cook the same soup no doubt.
It's probably toxic now. The pan, not the soup.
Although it does carry an unfortunate nickname in my family's household, the soup not the pan. I will leave that for another day.
Occasionally the stars align and one has almost every ingredient they need to make something like a curry paste. I was almost there for dinner, sans 2 key ingredients. I wanted to make a Thai curry. Green, to be precise. But it's not easy being green.
A good green curry, imo, needs enough Thai basil to embarrass an elephant. I thought I had some in the freezer. It was in fact regular basil. DO NOT under any circumstances replace Thai basic with regular basil, no matter how many recipes tell you that that is a normal and human thing to do. It is not. It is an injustice and the UN will find you responsible for breaching human rights. It is a crime higher than our mortal plane, it is outright blasphemy and heresy.
So we went without.
It was vibrant, zesty, savoury and spicy. The main downside was I tried to reduce it's liquidity by cooking longer. Making the tinned coconut milk turn gummy and a bit weird. Recipe below.
Holy shit I didn't realise I had so many thougts about coconuts. Check out the recipe. Make your own milk. Seize the means of coconut milk production.
A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.