A man with a beaked mask came to paint a red cross on the door. I fear the end is nigh. The voices grow louder and the cough digs deeper. Is there no respite. Is there no end to the monstrosity of winter.
In other news, we're slowly making it a bit of a tradition to watch Oscar nominee films, specifically best picture. As nominations aren't out for a while, we're going off of Golden Globes which has divvied out some superb films. Notably, for today, Conclave. Very good. Very Nice.
I love food. It is important and variety feeds excitement. But to be a big fat hypocrite, breakfasts these days end up being fuel. Such is olden age, I guess.
There is a weird politicisation of oats. Which is fucking weird. It's an oat. Anyway, overnight oats are a great way to consume said fascist staple. Those plastic measuring pots that americans fucking love really come in handy here. 1:2 ratio of oats to milk (or milk alternative) is the golden ratio. Stick some fruit in, some protein powder, it's up to you.
Fish finger wraps are a staple food item and should be given tax free. They are a human right. This is my platform.
Today I stuck some cottage cheese in there and some brussels sprout kimchi and it was dang right delicious.
It is rare these days but every now and then I'm introduced to something new that sticks and becomes part of the rotation of, if not weekly, then monthly meals. Giouvetsi is one of the most recent additions to the ol' repertoire.
A Mediterranean orzo stew.
Apparently the Cypriots and Greeks make it with different combinations and in different styles. From an outsider's perspective they are riffs on the same basic structure. Orzo, tomatoes, cinnamon and allspice and beef. Or in this case aubergine.
I'm a simple man. So on went a fucking 73kg mix of cheese because aint no man telling me what I can or can't do.
A project of love and passion Made by Sheppard.